Nobody knows Ashford like we do

107.1 FM

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National Headlines


Sponsors & Partners

Warp Design

Choose Warp Design for websites that generate leads, drive business growth with 5-star service from a local team that really cares about results.

Team Frames Ashford

Team Frames are the trade window centre for all your window, door and conservatory requirements

Kenhire Limited - Proud Sponsors of Travel

Kenhire have been helping Ashford keep on the road for over 75 years

RE Tanner Waste Management Sponsors of the After 9 O' Clock Game

RE Tanner & Sons is a family run business with over 30 years experience in waste management


IT connectivity, networking and software support in Ashford.

D & A C Rail Sponsors of Wake Up With Webbo

D & AC Rail are a mechanical engineering firm based here in Ashford, keeping our community connected

What's happening in Ashford

Event listings provided in partnership with Total Ashford.
Visit their website or Facebook group to submit event - they may get read on air!